
Fire Safety Tips

Fires in the home and workplace can be avoided with little effort and expense. Prevention is key to a successful Fire Safe environment. If you are unsure about what actions you can take, your local Fire Department should be able to assist you. Unfortunately, whether it’s in your home or place of business, a fire can present itself.

When the proper safety measures were not taken by the property/business owner, and someone suffers an injury or worse, death, this is where the Shiner Law Group can help ensure your home and workplace is safe and free of injury.

Here are some of the things you can do:

  • Keep anything that can burn at least three feet away from heating equipment, like the furnace, fireplace, wood stove, or portable space heater.
  • Have a three foot “kid free zone” around open fires and space heaters.
  • Never use your oven to heat your home.
  • Have a qualified professional install stationary space heating equipment, water heaters or central heating equipment according to the local codes and manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Have heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and inspected every year by a qualified professional.
  • Make sure the fireplace has a sturdy screen to stop sparks from flying into the room. Ashes should be cool before putting them in a metal container. Keep the container a safe distance away from your home.


  • A portable fire extinguisher can save lives and property by putting out a small fire or containing it until the fire department arrives; but portable extinguishers have limitations. Because fire grows and spreads so rapidly, the number one priority for residents is to get out safely.
  • Safety tips

Use a portable fire extinguisher when the fire is confined to a small area, such as a wastebasket, and is not growing; everyone has exited the building; the fire department has been called or is being called; and the room is not filled with smoke.

  • To operate a fire extinguisher, remember the word PASS:
  • Pull the pin. Hold the extinguisher with the nozzle point away from you, and release the locking mechanism. Aim low. Point the extinguisher at the base of the fire. Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly. Sweep the nozzle from side-to-side.
  • For the home, select a multi-purpose extinguisher (can be used on all types of home fires) that is large enough to put out a small fire, but not so heavy as to be difficult to handle. Make sure everyone knows where Fire Extinguishers are located.
  • Choose a fire extinguisher that carries the label of an independent testing laboratory.
  • Read the instructions that come with the fire extinguisher and become familiar with its parts and operation before a fire breaks out. Local fire departments or fire equipment distributors often offer hands-on fire extinguisher trainings.
  • Install fire extinguishers close to an exit and keep your back to a clear exit when you use the device so you can make an easy escape if the fire cannot be controlled. If the room fills with smoke, leave immediately.
  • Know when to go. Fire extinguishers are one element of a fire response plan, but the primary element is safe escape. Every household should have a home fire escape plan and working smoke alarms.

Whether you live in a home or are on vacation in a Hotel or Condo, your local Fire Department can answer any Fire Safety questions. Regardless of your circumstances, discuss emergency situations with your family. Your escape route and rally point are most important. The below links can assist you in your immediate area:

Delray Beach:

Boca Raton:

West Palm Beach:


This information is sponsored by the Shiner Law Group. If you or someone you love has been involved in a fire causing an injury or accident, contact an accident attorney with the Shiner Law Group as soon as possible to learn of your legal options. Have Questions? Call Us 24/7 561-368-3363, TOLL FREE: 855-368-3363